
Methods of cutting

We use all cutting methods and each cutting method has its specific advantages. The choice of method is determined by the material, quality, thickness and required tolerances. Together we choose the method that is most suitable for your detail.

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Is useful for most materials. Good method when the material to be treated is sensitive to high temperatures. We cut wear steel and plastic parts.
Plasmaskärning av slitskyggplåtPlasmaskärning av slitskyggplåt


A cost-effective way to cut both thin and thick metals. Especially useful for cutting in curved or angled shapes. If you need extra fine cuts of high quality, we use our fine-ray plasma. With plasma we cut, among other things. footplates, beam blanks, cover and wear protection plates.
Gaskärning för grova ämnenGaskärning för grova ämnen


A very flexible method. For cutting in really coarse plate dimensions with precision and speed, this is a good alternative. With gas we cut, among other things. coarse materials for processing.


Cost-efficient cutting, with high flexibility and speed for details with tight tolerance requirements and good precision. The material retains its original shape because laser does not cause any pressure during machining. With laser we cut, among other things. construction details and shims.